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MetaCell<sup>®</sup>IncreaSect 900 MetaCell<sup>®</sup>IncreaSect 900
Designed for growth of SF9 insect cells in serum-free suspension culture. The medium supports hightly efficient protein expression using the insect cell-baculovirus expression vector system (IC-BEVS)
MetaCell®IncreaSect 900

Item Number: L3200/P3200

Specification: 1000mL,10L,50L

MetaCell<sup>®</sup>IncreaSect 900
Product Overview

IncreaSect 900 is a universal serum-free full suspension culture medium for insect cells, applied to insect rod-shaped virus expression platforms.

IncreaSect 900 is suitable for scientific research and the production of large-scale biological products based on cell culture, but cannot be directly used in the human body or as a drug.

Product Documentation
Frequently Asked Questions